The higher level spells.

Solasta gave me a preview of what many of the higher level spells could do, and I'm curious to see what indirect changes they'll receive in BG3 by way of interacting with field effects and so on. There's also one particular spell that I'm looking forward to the most (Cleric's Spirit Guardians), not just due to how crazy it is in combat, but for narrative reasons.

Spirit Guardians is a spell that changes depending on its user's alignment (or in the absence of a true alignment system, I suppose disposition). From what I understand, the user appears to surround themselves with an aura of protective angels if they are good-aligned along with the spell inflicting radiant damage, while it appears rather demonic and inflicts necrotic damage if they are evil-aligned. Datamined information indicates the possibility that Shadowheart may swing either way depending on how we may be able to influence her, which means the spell might change accordingly.