Originally Posted by neprostoman
Reworking the divinity engine and level design at this stage in production, so it can support fly and wall climb as people here imagine it.
Climbing maybe requires a lot of rework, but flying should require fairly minimal effort.

- There is already a flying ability in DOSII (i.e., the BG3 engine) that enables characters to hover and not be affected by surfaces. I'm sure an additional "can't be hit by melee attacks from non-flying characters" tag could be added.

- BG3 is also full of elevation (I'm fairly sure projectile distances are affected by it..?!) which means that the game keeps track of characters' Z-coordinate. Thus, Larian could probably modify Fly so that it sets characters X feet off the ground. An incredibly common glitch used by speedrunners is to walk on air by making the game think you have (or the ground is at) a different elevation. If speedrunners can break games to enable that, I feel like it wouldn't be that hard for developers to make that intentional.