Originally Posted by mrfuji3
- There is already a flying ability in DOSII (i.e., the BG3 engine) that enables characters to hover and not be affected by surfaces. I'm sure an additional "can't be hit by melee attacks from non-flying characters" tag could be added.

- BG3 is also full of elevation (I'm fairly sure projectile distances are affected by it..?!) which means that the game keeps track of characters' Z-coordinate. Thus, Larian could probably modify Fly so that it sets characters X feet off the ground. An incredibly common glitch used by speedrunners is to walk on air by making the game think you have (or the ground is at) a different elevation. If speedrunners can break games to enable that, I feel like it wouldn't be that hard for developers to make that intentional.

Yeah, from that standpoint it surely seems doable, but I won't be satisfied with "hovering at a fixed coordinate", while being able to only move in X and Y axis. Would you? The only thing I can expect from the toolset BG3 has now is another poor man's flight which won't be much different in quality from what we have now, that is. It also seems like ragdolls are tied to elevation as of now (correct me if I am wrong) and having a creature or an NPC fly from height of N corresponding to one surface would turn into the height of N+M when going 1 level up in elevation. Some extra work would need to be done to ensure the smooth transition, which once again might not be possible as of now. I am only speaking chances here though, I'd be glad if all those cool suggestions above are added in a final game properly smile