The biggest one that stands out to me is a change from either Patch 7 or 8 - the Thralls on the Nautiloid now wear the cult and symbols of the Absolute.

Before this, the way I read the situation was that the Mindflayers on the ship and the Cult are not of the same faction. This is reinforced when you run into True Soul Edowin and his "siblings" - if you inform them that you came from the ship, they will automatically attack you. I had always assumed they were on opposite sides. Hence why Minthara seemed happy to see the Nautiloid crashing.

Now, with the thralls on the ship wear the uniform of the cult, the reason behind them attacking you after finding out you're from the ship (they still do AFAIK), changes significantly. Are they just assuming everyone who survived the crash is an escaped captive? Does this mean there are internal conflicts within the cult?