
Ardlings seem ridiculous to me. Beasts are not celestials, nor are they good aligned (unaligned mostly I believe?) I feel they should have just kept a beast race category and given it its own special characteristics. It won't stop someone from playing an animal headed Aasimar since apparently all races can be mixed now.

It looks like they got rid of special weapon training for some races. Would rather have that than a forced cantrip, especially on a non caster character.

The tiefling new bloodlines are underwhelming.

Half elves will not exist as a separate race, so the main reason I play them (skill versatility) is gone.

Monsters not being able to crit is stupid. Feels like they are catering to the idiot players who rush without thought into everything and complain when there are consequences.

Spellcasters not being able to crit doesn't make sense.

Nat 20 and 1 should not be auto success/fail on skill checks.

Alert feat is nerfed.

Feat for everyone at character creation.

Custom backgrounds being the standard with suggestions only for those who might need help.