Originally Posted by LotusPetal
so it falls to people like me to be the guy who has to point that out.
Or ... simply ... dont. smile
Especialy not two years late. laugh

I mean ... just look at the reactions here. :-/
Okey, you did your civic duty, pat pat, here is a cookie. laugh

Now what? Did at least single person appreciated your actions? As far as i see, nope.
How does that makes you feel?
I mean ... dont you think that could be potentialy indicator that you maaaaybe missunderstanded something, or slightly overeacted? O_o Just think about that option, k?

And please, dont take this any any atempt to ridicule you ...
We all (or most of us i was told) are human beings, and as such we are fallible by design ... there is no shame in making a misstake ... only in making a misstake and dont learn from it. wink

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 23/08/22 09:22 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown