Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Ussnorway
part of the trouble is we only have level 4 to play so far, a Wizard with 14 str and a staff hits for the same damage as a Fighter with 14 str and a staff... if that character happens to allow armour then its even less difference so why would anyone take the Fighter right?
2 things:

- This isnt topic about Baldur's Gate III, nor its EA. wink

- I think better questions would be why would anyone make 14Str Fighter, and why would that Fighter use Quarterstaff. O_o
Especialy in this gane where they are not Versatile, wich is in my opinion the onle and only reason any Fighter would ever even concider their usage.
Wizards of the Coast funding both timing is not a coincidence

a fighter uses any weapn they pick up and staff has some nice bonus spells like bless but thats not really the point

Last edited by Ussnorway; 24/08/22 04:19 AM.

Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you failed.