Originally Posted by Lastman
Originally Posted by GM4Him
The fact that Fly hasn't been implemented in this game at all makes me really sad. I'm telling you, it's a huge disappointment. It is SO much fun in Solasta. I LOVE flying around in that game. It's one of the first spells I get as soon as I can get it.

Fly would make BG3 so much more intelligent. There could be SO many uses for it. SO many uses. It adds an entirely different element to the strategy of the game.
Go play Anthem? I don't get it! What's with this obsession of flying. Don't you people get it? it's totally and utterly broken. The game is prone to cheese as is i believe larian fly would make it even worse. Sorry i just don't feel the need to be superman.

Originally Posted by Madscientist
BG3 is a very good game, bur Solasta is way better in giving me a proper DnD feeling.
It's ok to like solasta more.:)

Oh ok! 🤪

Fly isn't broken. It adds a different level of strategy to the game. Concentration means if the mage takes too much damage they might fall to their deaths, so you have to be careful who you're fighting against. The spell can save a mage against melee attackers, but ranged enemies could kill them.

And it's not just about YOUR mage flying. It's about having birds and other winged creatures actually flying. Harpies hovering in the air above you so you have to peg them with spells and bows as opposed to melee weapons, or your bird animal companion flying above non-ranged phase spiders so they can't hit it so it can scout caves for you without dying. There's a lot to flying done right.