Originally Posted by CMK
Originally Posted by etonbears
The quality of the humour was different though; BG1/2 were definitely more Monty Python compared with BG3, which is more Benny Hill smile

great now I just have the image of Shadowheart Chasing Lae'zel who is chasing Nere who is chasing a Duegar who is casing a Deep Gnome all set to this music


I actually had that music going round my head so much with the original games when my squishy characters attracted aggro and ended up kiting around, followed by ogres, followed by my fighters. Not just those games of course, there was definitely more than one major dramatic fight in the Dragon Age games that had me in stitches as it descended into a farcical Benny Hill chase. For all the flaws of the BG3 combat system, at least that's one thing that doesn't happen!

That aside, I'm not sure I'd describe the humour in BG3 as Benny Hill, though definitely agree it's not Monty Python either.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"