When i tried it, atleast for me, there were a few problems with it.

1) It's essentially:
You meet Mithara
option one) Assault the grove
option two) Decline and start the Fight

For me it's missing so sort of middle part of the story and goes into "hur dur me kill" kind of evil. Not to mention loot is bad too.

2)Every step of getting to Minthara essentially screams "You gonna get betrayed". First you can rescue a goblin to get in easier, tries to backstab you. Every major npc, involved with the goblins, tries to off the party in so way after learning about the tadpole. Even at the end
Mithara tries to backstab you
and unless you pass a check you don't really get anything. I fail to see how character of any alignment would go that route. It's more beneficial to stick with the druid in the long run.

3)It closes off more plot that the druid path. Wyll outright leaves, Gale leaves if you fail a check, Shadowheart romance fails(?) and few more currently unavailable characters will leave too.
Not to mention there are lot of dead named Tiefling, who i think will matter more in the upcoming story that the goblins.

The evil path feels abrupt, you lose a lot more doing it and hard to logically justify doing it as any intelligent character.

Last edited by Necrosian; 27/08/22 01:35 PM.