The way I see it :
Neutral/Good path : you fight in order to survive/free yourself from the tadpole, maybe doing some good in the process.
I disagree. Absolute is show to be able to mindcontrol people via the tadpole. No character would want it, before a way to resist is discovered. So it should be priority to get rid of it by all intelligent characters.
The way I see it :
Evil path : you fight for ultimate power 😈⚡. People aren't just going to hand it to you. Especially not evil people, goblins or drows. I don't know what else you expected? You want to be on top. Climbing = killing and/or cunning (ie : Persuasion checks).
About power, yes. But Absolute wants the player character dead. And ordered Mintara to stab MC when they sleep even if they helped with the druids. Trying to join that is somewhat stupid. And even if player join there is always that mindcontrol lurking close by.
The way I see it :
And of course the companions would react to it. Actions have consequences. my opinion, it makes sense the way it is.
This one is bit of a meta problem for me, because by joining goblins/ absolute i lose more than i gain. Be it plot or items.