Originally Posted by Alix
Originally Posted by Alexlotr
Originally Posted by Alix
I fear BG3 would not reach that, because of the to difficult fightings
I don't get it. You really fear it would be too hard even on the easiest difficulty setting?

I hope there will be an "story difficulty" with easy and quick to win battles. I stop playing the game some months ago in the goblin camp. Needing more than an hour to defeat 4 out of 15 opponents and your own party almost dead? Where is the fun in such an situation?

Now I wait for an easy modus and play D:OS2 for the 8th time. Or maybe I give the game a other try, because there are some patches for fights. But I fear without an easy mode or an cheat I never manage to finish the game.
part of the thing is you will be able to just wait a few more levels at release... i find the golblin camp very easy but if you wanted to do it at level 6 or 7 instead of level 3 that will help you

Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you failed.