So now i read the rest ...
And i think what you are describing is allready there ... when you say people dont really feel it ... dunno, i do ... i smell opourtunity.
When you claim that the red flags are too obvious ... i read that people are simply affraid to risk it.
'faint heart never won fair maiden'

I mean ... core of any try to outsmart someone in his own dirty game, is that you *know* he will eventualy betray you, if the opourtunity will present itself ... the goal, and basicaly whole meaning of the word outsmarting ... is to create this opourtunity for yourself and sooner than he do.

Therefore (and i would say duh here, if i didnt know how much you hate that ... word i gues) existence of danger is irellevant in this case, only someone blind, deaf, dumm, ignorant and stupid ... all combined and multiplied several times ... would presume there will be no obstacle.

I wouldnt be too much against more covenient situations to use our tadpole ...
Cant say i really liked those you offered tho ... but that new one on Nautiloid is prefect in my honest opinion. ^_^
There is a difference between evil and psychotic.
Cute ... few notes tho:
1) Not the point here ... what i was talking is that GM4Him allready give our potential "evil" character some characteristic that may not fit other potential characters ... trying to show that no matter what reasons you came with for any decision, those reasons logicaly aply only to that character you just play.
2) I wasnt asking for any permition. O_o
3) There is nothing "psychotic" about defending yourself ... both Astarion and Shadowheart attacked me ... there is also difference between Good and Foolish.