And yet this binary choice is *heavily* weighted in favor of helping the grove.
Thats not true ...
Yes, Nettie is puting lot of weight on this side of scales, but she also desperately need you to find Halsin ... so her words are hardly without personal interest.

And next to her we have ... what? O_o
From the first True soul we meet (edowin), you learn that the absolute's forces want you, specifically *you*....dead.
This is straight forward lie ...
From Edowin you find out only that the Absolute wants the weapon ... and that the weapon was on Nautiloid that fell from the sky.
Nothing more.
Not even a word about *you* specifically. :-/
It's also made abundantly clear early on that none of the true souls know about their 'condition' and thus couldn't give you any real insight on how to cure it when you talk to any of the three leaders in the goblin camp.
Feels kinda funny when you counter the same false argument more than three times per page.

Anyway ... no, *they* dont know ...
But *someone* in that cult do ... and that is your target.

You simply play long game here ... its not like any other path would lead you straight to the easy solution ... is it?

Even Halsin gets angry when you point out that you hoped for something more than distant prehaps.
Gut in particular will nearly kill you, can't be reasoned with, give you any help or guidance to your next goal (unlike Nettie, her counterpart in the grove).
Nettie got through serious character development to get this reasonable ...
Back in the days, she also first tryed to kill us ... and only then, we got option to persuate her to heal us and help.

I liked her more this way.

Also why would Gut even help you? O_o
Goblins are trecherous little bastards ... as you can see.

It's very clearly foreshadowed that getting the brand or using the tadpole powers is a bad idea long-term, and 'Daisy' is pretty obviously bad news.
Again, not true ... this is purely your interpretation, hardly anything else.
even though your cover is blown after the raid on the grove.
Is it tho?

You say that based on what exactly?
That Minthara *said* that the Absolute demands your life?
Well if you listens to her carefuly, anything she do is "demanded by the Absolute" even tho if such action is direct oposite from what "the Absolute demanded" litteraly ten seconds ago.

> Even from that alone you can easily understands that this is just the way Minthara speaks ... and think. As every good written fanatic, she simply presumes that anything she do, that isnt stopped by Goddess hand, was actualy her will.
What does that mean then, that the Absolute "demanded" our demise?
Dunno ... maybe just like other Goblin leaders, she simply dont want competition on her position ... but is smarter than Ragzlin, who basicaly admits it as the only one of them.

Meanwhile, directly fighting the absolute showers you with allies like the Myconids, Gnomes, Halsin, etc...
Halsin and
single Gnome are just chilling in your camp ...
I have no idea of any Alliance with Myconids ...
Go to the goblin camp and talk around. How many side quests did you pick up?
This is hardly fair question ...
In Druid Grove you are meere traveler, adventurer, some random dude who just happened to be there ... and whole Grove is filled with people who have lots of problems, not many posessions, and great need for some help ... their supplies are running thin (wich is strange, but w/e), their society is divided and causing power struggle.
In Goblin camp, you are True Soul, basicaly their leader ... how can any lowly goblin as anything from you? Especialy if you play Drow, they barely even dare to look at you!

And to put it into the perspecive even futher their bellies are full, they just finished sucesfull raid and are celebrating, their leadership is strong and united ... what would they even need from you?

Also ... if you wish to count quests ... how many did you get from druids?
Not Tieflings ... Druids!
If i count corectly ... that would beeeee ... 1 > find Halsin ... and you allready wanted to do that when you approached them, so basicaly none.
Did you get any major ones like the Shadow Druid investigation?
What was so major or investigative about it?
Go there > loot box > return. :-/
Hardly anything more than saving Sazza ...
Wich, btw, in the last patch get reward you dont get any else way. :P
Any npcs who promise to meet you later on in the game so you can check in on your favorite ones?
Well ... Minthara certainly said you will meet her again (if you didnt kill her obviously) ...
It seems fair to presume other Goblin leaders will be there aswell.
Chubblot also made some interesting datamining in his last video.

Workign for the druids and tieflings gives you all sorts of great stuff.
Give me one example besides Paleoak. -_-
Unlike with the Absolute cultists+goblins, who give you nothing for helping them but are loaded down with extremely desirable magical items (again, Minthara and Nere in particular have some great stuff)
Why would they give you anything ... and i mean storywise ...
You claim you are agent of the Absolute, therefore doing her will is your reward.
(Also Minthara can be persuated to pay you ... just for accuracy.

As for the loot ... you can kill them both and loot it all even if you pick Evil route ...
So, hardly any difference i would say.

Also, "loot" cant logicaly be your deciding argument, since your character dont know what s/he will loot ...
There are warning 'flags' everywhere that the absolute can't really help you.
Depending on your deffinition of "help" ...
Also as far as i know, nobody mentioned that they want her to "help" you ... most people picking Evil route wants to "use" her ... there is important difference.

Arguably you sabotage yourself, since you lose companions and romance options
Nah, you merely trade one romance for another.
You loose Wyll tho ... personaly i see that as benefit. :-/
kill off your most promising leads (Halsin etc)
This is another straight lie ...
For one, Halsin is most certainly NOT your "most promising lead" ...
For two, you can easily get same information he would give you from his corpse ...
For three, even if you cant talk with dead, its written in his journal ...
Hell, even Volo tells you he's going to go around telling everyone that you are an evil murderer.
Personaly i fail to see why should our character care what will some second grade storyteller and notorious liar saying about him.