Originally Posted by konmehn
You know the John Banville guy I mentioned?

Originally Posted by konmehn
Originally Posted by GM4Him
‘YOU, the player, decides what your motivation is’

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
‘All motivation you need is right there, its simply not just explicitly said to you ... you sort of have to figure it out yourself’
= player has to invent an intelligent narrative reason for taking the evil path because the writers couldn’t devise one naturally.
I see ... i was expecting as much ...
Cant help the feeling that you are basicaly asking for Railroading.

But one more question:
Since you concider making decisions as your character, based on accessible information to be ... well, what you said ...
How do YOU decide?
Or even more precisely, how do your characters decide what to do next?

In Kagha case for example ...
She send you to offer Zevlor your skills as hired sword, to protect them on their way, Zevlor tells you that his people would die on road ... and Kagha needs to be "removed" ...
How do you decide what to do next?

I would really like to know especialy IF you decide to futher investigate Kagha ...
What "narrative reason" is there?

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown