So the Solasta devs had their stream announcing the subclass winners for Bard, Monk, and Warlock. Here's a rough summary of what was discussed (the dev that was streaming mentioned they would be making proper articles tomorrow since they aren't in the office right now, meaning they were streaming from home).

Important bullet points:

- No combat footage from the stream itself, it's more of a slideshow going over the contest entries. As such, we don't know if College of Lore is in, or how they plan to address reactions from that subclass if it is.
- The upcoming DLC including the classes won't be out for another few months (IIRC the time it took between the previous contest winners being announced and the DLC for that being released was about 2 months)
- It will include 16-17 feats, 3 new backgrounds, and one new unannounced race
- They do not have any plans to officially implement multiclassing, though there are already mods for it. People have observed that many of the subclasses are stronger than the official tabletop ones, this is mainly to compensate for the lack of multiclassing
- No current plans to implement reach weapons due to them messing with the current animations
- They cannot implement Artificer since it is not SRD
- Warlock Pact of the Chain is being reworked, different familiars will give bonuses rather than summoning creatures (probably a dev time issue for animating the creatures, or the actual summons could be in a grey area that might not be considered SRD?)
- There is a new campaign in development but it's a long ways away (I wouldn't expect it until next Spring at the very earliest)

Personal comments:

- The winning light-themed Monk subclass sounds hilarious.
- Bard subclass seems really overpowered, seems similar to Valor but with much stronger inspiration options without the martial proficiencies (that we know of)

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 31/08/22 06:52 PM.