Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
  • To have a more meaningful and lengthier introduction to Minthara in order to establish her as a long lasting character and become invested in her.
  • To captivate us with better and actual reasons on why the character would consider joining her, instead of just her outright accepting us and sending us on a raid.
  • Once the raid starts to be able to do the same amount of interaction with the gobo raiding party as we can do with the entire Grove. Minthara's raiding party is nowhere physically on the map so there is no interacting with them, not even to make the invasion more immersive or interesting through minor decisions and actions.
  • To not have the Goblin Camp go hostile, but instead to become accepting to us and open up lore and story to provide some exclusive insight and backstory for the bad path from the actual NPCs.

A lot of good points and ideas here. Although, I feel like we don't know much about Halsin either except that he could help.
The Goblin Camp not becoming hostile after siding Minthara is a big one. In addition to some potential extra dialogues after the raid, we would still have access to a shop keeper on the surface.

Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
  • To gain Minthara as a romanceable full companion as compensation for Wyll leaving, with a potential to save her from the Absolute and forever live with her in Menzoberanzan at the end of the story if she is chosen as the love interest. Or to forever condemn her into our own service.

I would never fight against love (?) xD Yes to that laugh!

Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
  • To have some minor side-quests to do after the raid in the Goblin Camp. For example feeding Sazza to the spiders, torturing Liam, throwing rocks at Halsin as a bear or kicking the corpse in front of the gobo kids were good attempts at immersing us into the bad path.
  • To be as engaging and interesting as the Tiefling side, with potential future interactions from all of the NPCs in the camp or at least some of them.
  • To have an equal amount of content as the Druid's Grove so it doesn't feel like a rockslide when comparing the gains and losses between the two sides.
Don't know if I agree with some of those. There's actually a lot of content at the Goblin Camp (from the Gate to the Shattered Sanctum) with a lot of interesting and fun npcs. What's needed is the Goblin Camp to still be made available (non-hostile) to those who sided with Minthara. Although, she does say that the Absolute wants us dead. Some way to introduce that logically would be nice.

Also, a reminder that, after the party, the Tieflings leave the grove and there isn't much left to do there either.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Lekinf
Make Minthara a playable sidekick for the adventurer. It would be extremely satisfying!
Maybe that is part of the plan ... we just didnt get there yet.


Last edited by MelivySilverRoot; 01/09/22 03:59 PM.