Originally Posted by Leucrotta
Yes, Halsin will attack you in your camp along with some animals the next time you rest if he's still alive after the siege if you sided with the goblins, even if he was still locked up by the goblins and you never even met him.
Wich is actualy quite funny ...

One playthrough i decided to break the story ...
So i "joined" Tieflings, and attacked Kagha ... game sadly dont really recognize when you are attacking "firendly"(Green) targets directly ... so i was totally able to kill every single Tiefling during that battle before i finished hostile Druids ...
Druid Grove completely wasted ... not single person (except stupidly imortal Tiefling Kids) left alive ...

Then i traveled to Druid Grove and freed Halsin ...
His reaction? "You did what you had to do friend, Grove is safe and thats what matters most."

> I mean ... just made your mind dude. laugh


BTW question to people who are talking here about what consequences should or should not certain actions (and potential alies) have ...
You dont read datamining threats much huh? wink

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 02/09/22 09:53 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown