This game, as well as Div1 & 2 give you alot of freedom on how you approach an encounter, including many ways to cheese. smile It's up to you to decide if you want to employ them. The cheese you're describing in the OP is how I passed some unfair encounters when I did a div 2 playthrough on the hardest difficult, playing the encounter as intended would usually wipe out my party in the very first turn before I even had my turn. Personally in BG3 I haven't felt the need to do so far.

As for restricting it; I wouldn't personally mind if the entire party in a certain radius gets pulled in combat if one party member initiates it. But as I mentioned before there's many more ways cheese encounters such as pre-buffing, locking up npc's prior to combat by surrounding them with crates or just litter the floor with explosives on their spawnpoint. Should we advocate for restrictions on all these things? I don't think so.