Originally Posted by JandK
In fairness, what you're describing is a glitch, a bug. It's worse in certain areas than others. For instance, the kua-toa. If you have one person start combat with them far enough away from the other characters then the other characters can snipe away as much as they want. It's not supposed to work that way though. It's just a bug in the system.

You say that... but it was like that in D:OS2, it is still like that in D:OS2 after countless patches and updates, and it has been like that since day one of BG3's EA... so whether they care about it enough to declare it a bug, or whether they laugh at it and say 'look, isn't it funny how you can exploit the system we made', the odds of it being addressed are dwindlingly slim as the days go by. It seems that "when you attack an enemy you are drawn into combat, unless you are outside of a particular range" is simply how the system works, and always has because they don't care to fix or change it.