Originally Posted by 1varangian
Just let the encounters merge.

It seems ridiculous to me that I can kill Dror Ragzlin and his large group of minions without alerting Minthara in the next room. The sounds of battle would echo through the entire fort. And if they didn't, the goblins should run off to alert the rest.

Worth pointing out if you really want to rule lawyer that if you cast the Thunderwave spell (which you are probably using if you have Gale with you or you're a Bard/Wizard/Druid/Sorcerer being attacked in melee by multiple enemies), then it should DEFINITELY alert the entire fort, since the spell is supposed to emit a boom that can be heard from up to 300 feet away.

Though it's probably a game balance thing most of all. Most major encounters in BG3 involve the party being heavily outnumbered. Two boss-level enemies with their mooks in the same fight? I'd be hard pressed to find anyone here that can reasonably beat that without resorting to extreme cheese.