Originally Posted by GM4Him
It occurred to me after one of the previous posts, Nebuul's, that we do have the ability to maneuver each character into ambush positions simultaneously via Turn-based mode. If you want to set up an ambush by sneaking 4 characters into positions, you can maneuver them in turn based mode as if they are already in combat without initiative order. Then, if 1 gets spotted, it makes sense that all are pulled into combat. All characters may not have been spotted, but they all act in initiative order.
This isn't ideal because the enemies are still moving around while we are in TB mode and it takes ages with the stupid movement system to do anything, meaning one character can be spotted while we are still moving the others. If everything could be properly paused then I would have no issue with this particular part.

The issue is still with multiplayer. If one player triggers combat, everyone is sucked in. This, however, could be fixed by making it so they are only pulled in if within a certain radius. If outside that radius, they aren't. If within, they are. End of story.
I haven't played multiplayer, is it possible to have everyone coordinate their ambush attacks so they all hit at the same time? It would be rather stupid if the game didn't allow for that.

After Nebuul's post, I do think that is a major issue with not sucking everyone in. You, the player, have no ability to react in time to 1 character getting sucked in. The 1 character gets ganged up on before you can get the rest into any kind of position to attack. I can tell you from experience, that sucks. It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, it's not fun.
I have had this happen and I quickly switch to my other characters who aren't yet in combat, does this not pause the combat anymore? I feel like it used to do this, or maybe I just lucked out avoiding issues with the spotted character.

If this doesn't work then I would still rather not have everyone pulled into combat, that is more akin to having one character spotted and the rest of them standing up and screaming "over here" at the enemy like a bunch of idiots. Being a stealth player in pretty much every game I play, this just makes me cringe and would be completely not fun.