Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
Originally Posted by Zarna
I have had this happen and I quickly switch to my other characters who aren't yet in combat, does this not pause the combat anymore? I feel like it used to do this, or maybe I just lucked out avoiding issues with the spotted character.

I don’t *think* it pauses until it gets to one of your characters, which if you’re unlucky with initiative might be a while. If your enemy have been surprised and can’t do anything, then that’s probably okay. But if they spotted your character and can attack them, it’s not so great!

Yes, it only pauses when it gets to your character's turn. Which can be admittedly rough. It can hurt.

But--just my opinion--I don't mind. Sometimes things are rough. It's just a reason to be careful.


Regarding an above comment about combats going on for a while before realizing that some of the companions aren't in the combat: I can't help but feel like that's an issue that comes down to paying attention. Not a game issue, in other words.

It's like being upset that you forgot you had the thunderwave spell in a round where you could have used the thunderwave spell.

At some point, it's on the player to move carefully and pay attention to the surroundings. At some point, it's on the player to remember to go into turn based mode while positioning. I'm not trying to say "git gud," but I am saying that some faults don't lie with the system.

It's sort of like watching a youtuber playing the game with a character wearing the Gloves of Power without having gotten branded first and complaining the whole time about how they can't hit anything.