Originally Posted by JandK
I can't help but feel like that's an issue that comes down to paying attention. Not a game issue, in other words.
I vehemently dissagree. Presenting information clearly is the game’s responsability. While I believe there’s now a combat indicator on PC portraits on the left, I don’t think it shows on summons. This can get awkward if the summon is invisible and not auto-pulled into initiative.

It’s also very difficult to see which enemies are chilling on the sidelines of combat, waiting for a scripted event to add them to the initiative order. When Minthara raids the grove, a bunch of goblins on the backline will fully heal in real time if they’re hit by a Shatter. Telling which enemy is where in initiative is hard enough without having to weed out bystanders.

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.