Originally Posted by Wormerine
the very point of backline and formation is to make reaching certain units a bit more challenging
Yes, im aware that since Stealth is "working" (for the lack of better therm) as it does, you are technicaly able to exploit it if you want to, and stealth through whole enemy army into as you said "backline" ...
But lets not presume that everyone wish to abuse things to extremes, shall we?


Right now when i want to position my group ...
I simply ungroup them, and then run/sneak every single one on their position ... no problem at all ...
If any one of them is spotted and that starts a combat, all i loose (wich can sometimes be allready punishing) is first round for that one and any other character that also get spoted before he reaches his position.

IF all my characters woud be stuck in turn based mode, i loose this ...
If i would wish to position them ... i would need to first check out wich have best stealth, and therefore least chance to start a combat ... then sort them based on chances they will get spoted ... then control them by the same key and run them in specific order, otherwise risk that i will be discovered before im ready.
Bcs once anyone of them is spoted ... my movement will be seriously restricted. :-/

I dont say its *wrong* ... i say it sounds anoying.

It simply seems like lot of effort, just to make sure that somebody who obviously wants to cant fuck their own game ...
Wich quite honestly is none of your business in my opinion. :-/

Actualy ... now when i think about it, even if i would want to sneak into backline ... even if i would wish to sneak as far as the whole map allows me ...
Why do you care?

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 03/09/22 01:25 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown