Originally Posted by JandK
Regarding an above comment about combats going on for a while before realizing that some of the companions aren't in the combat: I can't help but feel like that's an issue that comes down to paying attention. Not a game issue, in other words.
It's not quite clear cut as that. First of all the fact that I HAVE to check before encounter if every one of my characters registered properly into combat is a problem in itself. Part of the issue is of course expectation: when the game transitions into combat enocunter I expect it to do so for all character under my control. I don't expect nor want to have to check on my followers if they got the memo that the combat is happening. No sleeping on the job.

Another issue is that not getting caught in combat bubble can be detrimantal - they can join the enocounter, but won't get to act this turn - the positive side of course is that they might attack with advantage, but of they are caught or will just unstealth for whatever reason the game will behave like they never were there. Again, a problem that can be mitigated by player's awarness of how system works, but I don't think it necessary suggests that the system is any good.

The third and worse situation, is that sometimes the thing just goes to shit - yes, if you character rolls high in initiative he can stop the combat encounter and other characters can set up/take advantage of the combat encounter being suspended in time. But if you character rolls low, or even worse gets incapacitated in some way, then enemy will take actions very quickly - that's is stupid, I have stealthed high dexed rogue, so he can act quickly in a turn, not sit aside as the enocunter is progressing without him.

In other words, it's a system which is often broken in favour or against player and rarely just works.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Wormerine
the very point of backline and formation is to make reaching certain units a bit more challenging
Yes, im aware that since Stealth is "working" (for the lack of better therm) as it does, you are technicaly able to exploit it if you want to, and stealth through whole enemy army into as you said "backline" ...
But lets not presume that everyone wish to abuse things to extremes, shall we?
I am not claiming that anyone abuses it to extremes, I am saying that the mechanic is broken. Having an ability to ignore the problem doesn't make it go away. To repeat myself:

it's a system which is often broken in favour or against player and rarely just works.

When I am playing the game I expect to be able to enjoy it and immerse myself in it - I don't want to think about balance, and game design, and create self-restrictions. Everytime the game takes my out of the experience, it is a failing on its part.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Right now when i want to position my group ...
I simply ungroup them, and then run/sneak every single one on their position ... no problem at all ...
If any one of them is spotted and that starts a combat, all i loose (wich can sometimes be allready punishing) is first round for that one and any other character that also get spoted before he reaches his position.

IF all my characters woud be stuck in turn based mode, i loose this ...
If i would wish to position them ... i would need to first check out wich have best stealth,
I don't quite understand what you are getting at. In the scenario that you described the characters who are still unstealthed could move into their position during their turn, and the proceed to attack - they are already in cue and get full round, the way they would if they were unstealthed. Most turn based games are entirely turn based, and getting into position is still very much a thing.