Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Wormerine
First of all the fact that I HAVE to check before encounter if every one of my characters registered properly into combat is a problem in itself. Part of the issue is of course expectation: when the game transitions into combat enocunter I expect it to do so for all character under my control. I don't expect nor want to have to check on my followers if they got the memo that the combat is happening. No sleeping on the job.

I admit: I don't understand why paying attention to what's happening is a problem.

Because you expect something else to happen? At what point do you stop expecting something else to happen and just focus on what's actually happening instead?

It's not hard to pay attention to where your characters are. A glance will tell you if they're in the combat or not. It's not like a series of math equations have to be solved.
I just don't see a benefit from stealthed characters not being included in the encounter. As such, I see having to manually check and add characters to combat as fixing game's mistake. It's a hassle at best, a reload as you realised you ended your turn with half of your party in combat and explotative mechanic at worst. It's a bit as if the game would unequip my weapons before an encounter - sure I can rectify it without much issue, but it's annoying.

And then there are fringe cases like I mentioned in my previous post. At least summons, I think, were fixed. I didn't have a summon expire in a while because it wasn't added to the que in spite of the summoner being engaged in combat.

Originally Posted by JandK
Anyway. I hear your opinion. It's different from mine. I'll agree to disagree.
Let's agree to disagree then smile.