Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Those in the vision are the three Chosen Drows of the Absolute, one of them is known as the General and he is at Moonrise Towers. The location of the other two are unknown.

Yes, I wondered if the vision was meant to have been of me defeating one of the Absolute’s chosen. I’ve just checked on YouTube and you only see them in silhouette. The dream figure could at a stretch be one of them (presumably the General) as the armour shape is similar, though in the vision the helmet has a plume. Could mean that they’re not the same person, or just that the art in the vision isn’t yet perfectly matched by in-game assets.

Though possibly there’s something else about the armour that proves it’s someone from Baldur’s Gate, or something’s been data-mined? Though it would be a bit lame if it were just a random guard in the dream. I hope it’s an actual significant character you get to meet.

(Duke Ravenguard? Though would he be wearing Flaming Fist armour? I don’t think you can see the face clearly enough to draw any definitive conclusions from that.)

EDIT: Apologies that this is a bit of a tangent. I was just thinking that if we knew who that person was it might help shed some light on who the dreamer is.

Last edited by The_Red_Queen; 04/09/22 02:41 AM.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"