Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Here is the thing about this game...you get to decide what cheese is and then whether you want to cheese or not.
My list of cheese includes barrelmancy, dipping, stealth cheese, etc. So When I play, I dont do that. I have no desire to force my play style on others.
Why limit how people can play the game?

I do have sympathy for players for whom finding the most effective strategies to achieve objectives or beating games on the hardest difficulties is a key element of their enjoyment. I can see how the existence of cheesy mechanics can undermine their experience. I just suspect that eliminating all such elements would unfortunately put other constraints on the game that would make it less enjoyable for the rest of us, and like RumRunner I’m broadly okay with just deciding not to do things I consider “cheating”.

As long, that is, as the game doesn’t actively encourage me to use cheesy mechanics by making life unreasonably hard or causing me to miss content if I don’t. I don’t think BG3 is often guilty of this (camp dialogue and long rest excepted) but it is something they need to continue to avoid.

And as long as enemies don’t then use cheesy mechanics against me (*cough* shove), thereby making them impinge on my games even if I don’t exploit them myself.

And as long as there isn’t a better mechanic that would be more fun and interesting than the one that can be exploited. I don’t think that the fact that a mechanic can in some circumstances be cheesed is *by itself* a reason to change it, but do think that some of the mechanics in the game that can currently be cheesed just aren’t as good as they could be. Entering combat in stealth is one of them, and I do hope it can be made a better experience for those of us not trying to exploit its holes, though also appreciate the likely difficulties with doing so that have been highlighted.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"