Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Here is the thing about this game...you get to decide what cheese is and then whether you want to cheese or not.
My list of cheese includes barrelmancy, dipping, stealth cheese, etc. So When I play, I dont do that. I have no desire to force my play style on others.
Why limit how people can play the game?
I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself. The issue isn’t with exploits that can be avoided, but with core mechanics being poorly implemented. I can’t imagine doing a good stealth based character, as stealth in how it is implemented doesn’t work well.

BG3 doesn’t have exploits and cheats - that would suggest a coherent ruleset. As it is some aspects of the game are just poorly implemented. The problem isn’t that perhaps certain specific combinations of weapons, feats and class skills create unstoppable combo - that would be fine. It would be easy to avoid, and finding such exploit would be rewarding in itself. BG3 crumbles when one uses basic features. That’s a very poor standard.

I like to judge a quality of a game’s design by how it handles pressure - both from players and raised difficulty. BG3 crumbles under a slightest of touches. A player can try to hold it together and pretend it doesn’t fell apart, and perhaps modders will be able to tape some of this together - but the product is still shoddy.

Once the game will be finalised there will be no point of complaining about broken mechanics - like it is a common knowledge you should put invest in swimming and lung capacity in Deus Ex1. I love DE, it’s a classic, but it doesn’t change that some of its systems are underdeveloped, poorly balanced or straight up bad. Now, when BG3 is still in development it is precisely the time to try to avoid having to deal with stuff like that in BG3 1.0.

Last edited by Wormerine; 04/09/22 12:35 PM.