Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Here is the thing about this game...you get to decide what cheese is and then whether you want to cheese or not.
My list of cheese includes barrelmancy, dipping, stealth cheese, etc. So When I play, I dont do that. I have no desire to force my play style on others.
Why limit how people can play the game?
Because I might want to play e.g., stealthy characters/party in such a way that isn't cheese, but BG3 rules don't allow that. Either I use the cheesy stealth (auto success on shoves from stealth, double surprise round, seeing the exact sight lines of enemies, enemies not searching for my stealthed characters, not having to make a stealth roll even in Heavy Armor as long as I'm not in their sight cones) or I don't use stealth at all.

Also, enemies use certain cheeses against the party, so you can't avoid those.