Originally Posted by GM4Him
I was thinking at Moonrise we're going to have to make a definite choice. No middle ground. Either join the Absolute or reject him/her and side with the box. The box would be the "good" path and the Absolute would be the "evil" path.

I kind of hope not. I’d find it disappointing to have to lock myself into a path that early in the game. Particularly if it was something as black and white as an evil or good path. Hopefully the Larian writers will pull off something greyer and twistier.

Originally Posted by GM4Him
After all, in 1 and 2, you are Bhaalspawn doing Bhaal's will by murdering lots of people, whether good or evil. You can't help it. You're being forced constantly into situations where you have to murder lots of people.

Good point, and I hope we do get something of this mood from BG3 as well. Or at least that we are forced to compromise, pick the lesser of evils, or that some of the decisions we make with good intentions turn out badly and vice versa. I’d find that kind of tale more interesting, and I think there are some promising signs in EA.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"