Originally Posted by RumRunner151
"auto success on shoves from stealth"
Don't shove from stealth.

"seeing the exact sight lines of enemies"
Don't hold the shift key

"not having to make a stealth roll even in Heavy Armor as long as I'm not in their sight cones"
Don't stealth in heavy armor.

if you set your own house rules to start the game to exclude using these and then can't keep to your own rules...I can't help you and that's not the fault of the game.

Agree with some of these, but not on not shoving from stealth. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to want to be able to try, but to feel would make more sense if there were still the possibility of failure. My problem isn’t with mechanics I can just ignore, but ones that I want to use but that work in a way that I think spoils the fun.

I recognise that’s a matter of preference, but I’m afraid it’s not *always* as simple as just ignoring stuff you don’t like.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"