Originally Posted by RumRunner151
"auto success on shoves from stealth"
Don't shove from stealth.

"seeing the exact sight lines of enemies"
Don't hold the shift key

"not having to make a stealth roll even in Heavy Armor as long as I'm not in their sight cones"
Don't stealth in heavy armor.

"I KNOW I can just disappear at any time."
"I know I have a stack of guaranteed damage granades in my inventory that will wipe the enemy down"
"I know I can just easy stealth and push enemy to death."
But if you set your own house rules to start the game to exclude using these and then can't keep to your own rules...I can't help you and that's not the fault of the game.

Yeah no. Hard disagree. NPCs do not abide by my "house rules". Also, the game mechanics don't work well and make gameplay not as much fun for me and others who want something better. Also also, they aren't OUR house rules. Most of what we're wanting is based on actual D&D 5e rules. Larian's versions are actually house rules.

Example. Shove from Stealth. I want Athletics roll with Advantage, or something similar, not an auto-success. Can't play by my rules if BG3 won't let me.

Example. Sight cones EQUAL stealth. As long as I stay out of the cones, I win. Not how 5e works. Other senses besides sight come into play. You should have to make different Stealth checks depending on whether the enemy is facing you or not and even if you are invisible. BG3 doesn't allow such things. Again, if in cone, you lose. If out of cone, you win. Doesn't matter whether you wear Heavy Armor or not.

So I CAN'T play by my rules if BG3 won't let me.