Originally Posted by GM4Him
NPCs do not abide by my "house rules".
Agree, I have said elsewhere that on things like shove, it would be nice to be able to toggle off NPC use.

Originally Posted by GM4Him
based on actual D&D 5e rules. Larian's versions are actually house rules.
Agree with this too, but there is also the reality that making a game 100% conform to all DnD 5e rules would be a nightmare to program and this game would never be released.

As such, some things don't get implemented and other corners get cut.

The problem is we all have our own opinion of how important some things are and they can differ vastly from others. Some people (not saying you...have not read enough of your posts" seem to think they are somehow THE voice for the community.

I think Larian has done an amazing job so far. I think even if all we ever had was EA, this game is better than any other I have played in years. I think that even with many things that bother me, Id still rather have the full content sooner than later because of trying to make myself and others happy.

Again... those are my opinions, feel free to express differences.