Originally Posted by GM4Him
Again, if in cone, you lose. If out of cone, you win.

This isn't entirely true.

You can stealth with anyone outside of a vision cone. That's true.

But you don't automatically lose if you're inside a vision cone. Your stealth skill matters. As well as the conditions within the vision cone. Meaning, is it obscured or not? Is it partially or heavily obscured? These things matter.

In the right conditions, with a properly built and outfitted character, you can easily stealth straight through a vision cone.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Or they could just balance shove better ?

I think it's balanced fairly well as of patch 8. You'll notice enemies make shove attempts against characters far less often now, and some of the weight issues involved with shoving seem to be better. Meaning there aren't as many NPC successes as there used to be.

A lot of the videos showing enormous shove distances are based on old patches. It's still farther than some die hard by-the-book fans would prefer, but I like it where it's at.

The only thing I would change about shove is not letting it work to wake up sleeping targets. Other than that, I think it works fine. It's a wonderful addition to the game.

And as someone with well over a thousand hours in this game, I can say it's not an overpowered "go to" tactic, despite the occasional arbitrary claim otherwise.