Originally Posted by Necrosian
Whic is more rational choice here?
Good question ...

The only choice is between a druid helaer, who we were told "may" be able to help us ... he indeed have experience with healing, reportedly ... and his knowledge of tadpole is at best questionable, since we are between druids, who would destroy such creature on sight rather than study it ...
Also this all we were told *not* by himself, but by his close and loayal follower who also desperately needs him back for her own reasons, who were just prepared to kill us "just in case" ... and were willing to let us go only under condition, that we will kill ourselef, if we feel ill. laugh
At least quesionable source ... providing at least questionable promises ... full of "maybe", "prehaps" and "i hope so". laugh

On the other hand there is indeed cult, where some members (Sazza and Gut) tryes to backstab us ... one in order to please her leader (hardly surprising, both from Goblin, or Drow lackey) where she dont really seem to care what will happen to us really ... and another one in order for her to be selfish b*** (again, its GOBLIN!) ...
Where we know for sure that leaders of that cult are using the same tadpoles as is in our hand ... therefore they are working with them first hand ... therefore they *logicaly* must know something about them for SURE ... and again, therefore *logicaly* their knowledge could be waluable for us.
And even if not, presuming that we are living on borrowed time, everyone else around us were tadpolized long before us ... so, while they are ok, we should be aswell. wink

Wich one is more rational? smile
Gee i dunno ...

Aswell as im not quite sure why make such fuss about killing atempts ...
Astartion tryed to kill you ...
Lae'zel tryes to kill you ...
Shadowheart tryes to kill you ...
This is just the way people in Faerun comunicate as it seems. laugh

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown