Originally Posted by RumRunner151
I'm confused here...you and others say shove automatically succeeds from stealth but I am sure I have failed (not sure which patch version)...
Shoving the dude on a box outside the temple/crypt where you find Withers.
So I think it has a high success chance...but not 100%. Am I missing something / not understanding the problem / mis-remembering?
Oh, maybe it can fail then? It's been a while since I attempted to shove from stealth for [multitude of reasons] so this is based on what I've seen many others say. If it has normal failure chances, that's better.

Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Enemy sight cones are a poor mechanic for stealth. Enemies also have ears that they should be able to notice things with. And yet in BG3, even if I don't press shift to view their sight cones, I can still easily guess their location and automatically succeed by sneaking up behind them.
While not ideal...its been used in a lot of games. Adding hearing checks, while more realistic and perhaps more faithful to the rules seems like overkill and complicated depending on the implementation.
It should be fairly simple to code, since a stealth vs perception mechanic is already in the game. You even give a perfect example:
Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Curious, if NPCS had say a 9-meter circle around them as well as the vision cone, would that address the largest part of your concerns? So that if you are in their vision or their 9-meter (arbitrary number pulled out of rear-end) "perception area" you have to roll a stealth check?
Yes it would. Honestly, I'd even be fine if the hearing circle was visible like the sight cone. That's a perfectly fine mechanic for a video game, where you can't ask the DM "hey how close do I think I can get before I might be heard?" Characters in heavy armor would have disadvantage on that stealth check in that hearing cone, due to their clanking.

Essentially, I want the stealth system to be robust and balanced enough that I don't feel like I'm either cheating by using it or that I'm restricting my available actions (from what I think should be reasonable options) in order to not cheese.