Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by GM4Him
Hmmm. Playing currently as a halfling ranger with Stealth proficiency. I am noticing some definite mechanical improvements for Stealth. I Stealthed the imps in the first fight. Stayed outside sight cone. Fired. Stealth check. Succeeded. Was able to fire again. Killed the first, but another Stealth check because the other two might spot me. Succeeded. Fired again. Stealth check. Failed. My MC was pulled into combat. Lae'zel wasn't in the fight. Sneaked her up to the edge of the sight cone. Fired. Stealth check. Failed. Pulled into the fight. [...]
There's a proximity issue going on with stealth that I sometimes have to adjust for while playing.

What I mean is this: Let's say you have one character in combat and one out of combat. You try to bring the out of combat character into combat by making an attack. But unfortunately you're out of combat character didn't enter the initiative after the attack? What happened?

It's a proximity issue. Your out of combat character isn't close enough to your in combat character. Unless you want to take advantage of the system right now and "cheat" it by continuing to attack, you can just move your out of combat character slightly closer which will bring it immediately into the combat.
Seems to me like, regardless of distance, if a PC makes an attack against an enemy (or applies a buff to an allied character) that is in combat, that PC *should* be brought into that combat. I'd prefer if said character was also automatically brought out of stealth, because, you know, they made a visible/audible attack which revealed their presence. But baby steps.

Originally Posted by GM4Him
I mean, if you can keep stealthing it every time you fire, that's what Stealth skill is for. Enemies are just totally unable to find the sniper in the area. Granted, enemies should take cover as soon as the first is sniped, but cover doesn't exist in BG3 - which would make the game better, in my opinion, to have cover, but whatever.
There 100% is a cover system in BG3. It's called "putting a solid object between you and the enemy, so they don't have a line of sight to you." Enemies, at the very least, should know where the attack came from, and either attempt to investigate or take cover (which can include running away to get out of your weapon/spell range).