Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
automatically brought out of stealth, because, you know, they made a visible/audible attack which revealed their presence.

"...which revealed their presence," doesn't follow. It may or may not reveal their presence.

"Where did that shot come from?" is a valid question. Someone may notice that the shot came from over there. And the more shots from over there the more obvious it becomes. But it's reasonable that someone may be disoriented and not see the person attacking. Or just fail to perceive because of camouflage or any reason.
Let's change my phrasing to "revealing one's exact position to the enemy" as "reveal their presence" is vague. In that case, yeah I agree that an attack *might* not reveal your exact location. But I do think that an attack made from the open with line of sight (which was likely required for your sneak attack in the first place) then it should be trivial for the enemy to look up/around and see you. Unfortunately, this is where BG3's [lack of] cover system fails - there is no such thing as "partial/half/three-quarters" cover, which are the criteria I'd use to determine whether an enemy automatically sees you or still needs to beat your stealth check.

However, there IS darkness in BG3, which provides various levels of obscurement. If in bright light, imo attacking from stealth should automatically bring you out of stealth. But if you're partially obscured due to darkness, then it makes sense that you could remain hidden with a successful check.