Originally Posted by GM4Him
I've honestly come to terms with it. It won't be a game-breaker without Day/Night especially since after the initial area you'll be traveling to:

Shadow Cursed Land. No sun
Moonrise Towers. Likely no sun.
Probably more dark dungeons. No sun.
Baldur's Gate eventually and most likely, which will probably be besieged with no sun.

Yeah. We're talking a lot of work for them to do for not a big part of the game, most likely, maybe, I'm assuming, and guessing, because I really know nothing.😌

Yeah not a big part of the game.
I even don't understand why most games (all AAA) waste so much ressources in D/N cycle while you can just let the player play in the sun for 20 hours before let him play for 20 hours i n the shadow. This trick works well in DoS, the only game I've ever played.

You can also define that it's always rainy on the right on a pixel line and sunny on the left ! Another nice trick to cheat with the player ! It is so incredible that no one noticed anything while playing !

Last edited by Maximuuus; 16/09/22 07:46 PM.

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