Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by JandK
It's not what I'm used to so I don't like it!
Yeah. The funny thing about humans is that they find it hard to adjust to something worse then what they are used to.

As I see it.

-potential for exploits, allowing character not in combat to move far further then they should be, and avoid enemies vision cones easier due to them being frozen in time
-unimmersive - with turn-based combat signifying multiple characters in an area engaging in a skirmish, it is jarring for some characters to not abide by the same rules
-hassle of checking who did, and didn't engage in combat
-adding multple characters to the encounter one by one feels bad to do - transition is bombasting and having the combat cue play out and having initiatinve UI rollout 4 times in a row, is just not a good experience

- In multiplayer you won't be pulled into combat by a coop player whom you don't have control over

And as I don't plan to play in multiplayer, and if I do it will be will folks I know, the benefit doesn't come anywhere close to making up for the nagatives.

I'm not even sure what's being talked about at this point.

Seems pretty easy to know if your characters are in combat or not. But maybe some people are better at some things than others. Shrug.


Anyway, just an aside, but I have to mention this:

"then" is the word that references something like: this happened and *then* that happened...

"than" is often the word folks are going for. It's for things like: this rather *than* that...

Very different words.

Sorry, just a pet peeve, and I keep seeing it repeated over and over again.

Last edited by JandK; 19/09/22 06:52 PM.