Wow. Kinda crazy how it blew up like this.

So, here I go again. Let's get something straight first. I wasn't complaining. I was pointing out why yes you can blame the game. It was simply an observation based on personal experience.

If you play basketball with certain rules, like the actual rules, for years and then someone comes along and tells you that you can suddenly just grab the ball and run with it without dribbling, that throws off your entire game. It's therefore not your fault, per SE, but the fault of the one changing the rules.

If I play Tabletop and everyone is pulled into combat and gets 1 surprise round, even if you aren't able to attack because you're in the next room and unseen by enemies, and that's how 100% of turn-based cRPGs play as well, then it messes up your gameplay when you play BG3 and suddenly that's not how it is. You don't LOOK at who is actually in combat because you expect everyone is. So you take your turn and watch your enemies move and then suddenly realize, "Holy crap! They're all attacking my MC because my other characters aren't drawn into battle too, and none of them have had a turn yet and it's already round 2 of combat and my MC is now mostly dead. Well frick!"

This has happened to me numerous times since I started EA, and it's gotten better but still happens. Yes. After over a year and a half, you'd think I'd be used to it, but when I play Pathfinder and Solasta and XCom and Shadowrun and every other turn-based game while waiting for BG3 to be released, I again get used to all party members pulled into combat when 1 is. So it's super easy to forget each time I try BG3 again.

If they don't change it, whatever. I'll get used to it, but it IS a thing.

Last edited by GM4Him; 19/09/22 11:33 PM.