Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
TLDR; Whether they're left in on purpose or not, exploits are still flaws and mistakes, and it's not, in principle, unreasonable to want them gone.

I think the reason this issue bugs me is less the individual exploits and more the sum of their parts. Whatever your actual opinion on them is, this game does have quite a lot of exploits. Stealth, shove mechanics, wizards being able to use every scroll, the barter system, etc. Exploits are, almost by definition, places where the player finds ways to game the system and make it do things that aren't really intended.

Who says they're not intended? You seem to be jumping to a conclusion here, assuming all these things you don't prefer are mistakes.

Mistakes that Larian found and thought, "Oh well, what a happy accident, let's leave it."

If these things are there on purpose then they are not, by definition, mistakes. They are features and options you don't like.

Now, it's not unreasonable to want things you don't like to go. But equally, it's not unreasonable for other people to want them to stay.

Originally Posted by Flooter
Just clicking End Turn is how I find myself going for a round or two before the "teacher's sense" you mentioned kicks in and I realize someone's on the sideline.

At the end of the day if a player keeps doing this, all I can ask is, "How's that working out for you?" Is it possible things might work better if you adopted a different playstyle, one that included checking to see who all is in the initiative order?

For me, it's like saying, "When combat starts, I always neglect to equip my fighter with a weapon. So it takes me a round or two to realize he's fighting with his bare knuckles."

Regarding a line in the combat log... while I'm not against it, I can't help but think that if someone isn't paying attention to which characters they have in combat then they're probably not reading the combat log at the start of every fight.