Originally Posted by JandK
At the end of the day if a player keeps doing this, all I can ask is, "How's that working out for you?" Is it possible things might work better if you adopted a different playstyle, one that included checking to see who all is in the initiative order?

For me, it's like saying, "When combat starts, I always neglect to equip my fighter with a weapon. So it takes me a round or two to realize he's fighting with his bare knuckles."
But. Why. Does. The. Player. Need. To. Go. Though. The. Hassle. Obviously, if I have my team nearby the encounter I intend them to participate in the encounter.

It's a computer game. The best thing about computer game is that they automate stuff. And yes, if I had to equip weapon on my fighter before every fight, because he used a potion it would be really annoying. I don't see why putting a character in stealth mode, should require me to manually add him to combat. The gmae does it for unstealthed characters, it can do it for stealthed ones. Same result, less hassle => better play experience.

Last edited by Wormerine; 20/09/22 11:35 AM.