Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
and it's not, in principle, unreasonable to want them gone.
And this is where we disagree ...
Maybe not underasonable, but to us (yes im quite sure im not the only one) it simply doesnt seem necesary. smile


Originally Posted by Flooter
If this is your point, here's my counterpoint: Combat starts with your first PC in initiative, their hotbar clearly in "combat mode". The flow then follows initiative, going from hotbar in "combat mode" to hotbar in "combat mode". If I just click End Turn instead of manually selecting a PC who's not in combat, the game doesn't show me a hotbar that's not in "combat mode" before combat is over.
Yes ... and that is somehow bad or something?
Since it seems like this what you described here is quite litteraly exactly what that bar is supposed to do ... ergo its working by design ... threrefore good, well, corect, *insert positive word here* ...

Point was the UI is changing > therefore you KNOW you entered combat, even if that was unintentional ...
Once you know combat was initiated ... you have several graphical indicators for who is in combat and who isnt ...
Therefore (and i would once again say duh) if you really and i mean REALLY have problems with "often leaving party members out of combat without noticing it" (even tho i dont believe its possible, but we are doing "if" here) ... as it was presented by GM4Him ... then all you need is to create synopsis:
"Combat initiated => Check party members"

I claim and keep claiming that the game does good job in showing you who is, or isnt, in combat, all you need to do is pay atention to it ...
And i simply dont believe (and maybe this is harsh from me, but at least its honest) that is indeed possible to actualy "not notice" you were fighting with half of your team ...
So it seems like really cheap excuse to me.
Sory, not sory. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Originally Posted by JandK
Who says they're not intended? You seem to be jumping to a conclusion here, assuming all these things you don't prefer are mistakes.

Mistakes that Larian found and thought, "Oh well, what a happy accident, let's leave it."

If these things are there on purpose then they are not, by definition, mistakes. They are features and options you don't like.

And that my dear friends it how games are created. :3


Originally Posted by Tandi
If it's an exploit that's so obscure and only being used by players that min-max the hell out of their game, then yes it should probably be fixed because they'd feel they HAVE to utilize it to play "optimally".
Personaly i cant agree with this statement ...
If someone feels like he "have to" use something he despite, concider that stupid and ruining his enjoyment of his own game ... that person should think about his priorities, not dictate to others what they should or should not do.

Sometimes i wonder how would it work other way around.
Can you imagine?
If i would get to their tabletop games and demand to throw potions, get completely undetectable by stealthing bcs im "behind the guard" despite having fullplate armor, throwing barells of explosives several dozen of yards away, learn every and any spell with my Wizard, ...
What would happen i wonder.

No thats a lie ... i know exactly what would happen and i think we all do ... they would call me an idiot, kill my character, or act like it ever existed, show me the doors and never ever ever would allow me to join them again. Ever!

And yet here we are ... endlessly arguing about that they demand that this game should be tuned for them and everything that dont fits their rules should be imediately removed bcs "they feel urge to use it". O_o

I smell hypocrites.


Originally Posted by Wormerine
What's the point of EA and working in the game further? It doesn't matter if the ruleset works, it is MEANT to be broken!
Answering for Tandi while speaking for myself ...
I dont think his point was to "dont fix anything bcs things are supposed to be broken" ...

Its more like "lets concider how split the comunity is about things" ... i mean you listed it yourself, there was allready several things Larian changed ... why?
Bcs there was almost nobody defending them, the community agrees (as far as possible) on this opinion!

Or at least i really dont remember anyone beging for keeping free Advantage from High Ground, ground effects from cantrips, jump/disengage in single button, etc.
Free to corect me ... but as far as i remember even i (and i disagree with lots of things around here) was supporting all of theese. laugh

In therms of some exploits ... its not 99/1 ... its much closer to variety between 70/30 and 30/70 (just to be clear those are % not numbers laugh ) depending on specific topic ...
And that is exactly as Tandi said, pleasing one in expense of another ... or other way around ...
Of course we would all like to believe that we are part of that "silent vast majority" ... but sometimes, even tho its hard, we simply must accept that we are not.

Still, invest time and resources into changing things, so you just piss off different group of people that can have almost same size, while doing something that is completely different from what your games are known for ...
Not exactly smart move if you ask me. :-/

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 20/09/22 03:53 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown