Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Except you can make conclusions from our responses because that is how surveys work.
IF you would ... then all you would get is that there are some people who really hates it, and some other people that really loves it, and then lots of another people somewhere in between. laugh
I dont think you need survey to get such results. smile

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
...and assumed to be relatively close to matching the true populations.
Well ... you can "assume" whatever you want. laugh
Thats no statistic ...

Aswell as you can "assume" that this forum users can match all playerbase for this game ...
I can "assume" its the small group of people who are bothered with something they dislike so much, so they come here and start complaining ... while others didnt, therefore they either are not bothered by it at all ... or simply not enough to be worth investing any energy for them. smile

And both those assumes are perfectly fine ...
Except none of them have any value, since we have litteraly no data to support them. laugh

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
For most surveys, you only need a sample size of ~400 in order to make high-confidence conclusions applicable to any-sized full populations (thousands, millions, even billions).
As in every other topic this theory was brought up ... and marked as false, it is just as false even here. smile
Repeating the same misstake dont fix it ...

Problem with our forum is that we are interested in the matter, therefore our "sample" is not random enough, (feel free to think about it as "unclean") and therefore any result you get from the given survey will not be conclusive.
As stated before ... several times. wink

That is just same as making on Metalfest survey about what is the best music in the world ... chances for brass bands to be popular there are quite slim ... 99% of people will take the same answer.
And yet, is that true that less than 1% of the world listen to litteraly anthing but Metal? smile
And that is why if you want small sample, you need random sample ... and as divergent as possible ... the more focused your target group is, the less acurate your results are.

Now back to our situation ...

First question is:
Why are we here? Not just forum, specificaly in this topic ... bcs we either like, or dislike exploits ... there isnt much other reasons.

Next question is:
Are majority of forum users (yes, im taking here sample of sample of sample) in this topic ... or just few veterants, too interested or stubborn (im stubborn, feel free to pick your group laugh ) to let it go? :P

And final question then is:
How many (in %) of your sample is therefore personaly interested in topic of the survey?
The more you get ... the "uncleaner" results. wink
Here i would say 90-100%. laugh

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
I agree that it is worse if the exploit is forced on you. But if avoiding the exploit also prevents you from using a core mechanic that you might otherwise want to use (it it were better/more reasonably implemented), then it also becomes an issue.
And i would agree on this ... in theory.
Problem is transfer it to practice for me. :-/

I cant imagine exploit that would prevent you from using something while avoiding it.

You used stealth as an example ... it would be good one ...
IF the only way to avoid stealth exploit would be not stealth at all ...
But that isnt the case here, all you need to do is either not stealth in Heavy Armor ... or, if you do, dont stealth two millimeters behind your enemy ass. laugh

Nobody as far as i know said "dont use any mechanic that could potentialy be exploited" ... that would prevent you from even starting the game. laugh
We urged people do simply "dont use exploits" ... and there is important difference.

See? Thats my problem, please give me some example i can work with. frown

What i see is:
You dislike that you can stealth in touch proximity of people? > Dont get so close.
You dislike that you can stealth through battlefield while your party is locked in different time due to combat? > Dont do ... exactly that. laugh
You dislike that your Wizard can learn any spell? > Dont, its that simple.

You dislike that you can heal your friends by throwing potion at them? > Well NPCs do that ... therefore i agree it should be adressed.
You dislike that Shove is Bonus Action? > Well NPCs do that ... therefore i agree it should be adressed.

Etc. etc.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown