Originally Posted by Niara
all of my controls and the UI itself is completely LOCKED OUT until my scout's turn comes around.
This sounds like a bug ... bcs when my scout initiated combat, litteraly nothing was preventing me from switching to another party member and control them.
So ... nope, certainly not "completely LOCKED OUT". :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
=> The characters that would have reacted can't
Im sory, but i feel lost ...
How would they react? O_o

I mean they are far, arent they?
So if the solution that was suggested here (force Turn-based mode, and include to initiative everyone) were implemented ...
What would they do? Run > Sprint > Run even little futher?

They can do that as far as i know.

Originally Posted by Niara
Immersion breaking situation 1: The rest of my party stands by in idle animations watching on while the AI plays rapidly to gank my scout, potentiality even standing by while the game kills that character, if the AI rolled their initiative well enough.
I dont even get how is that immersion breaking ... your scout get ahead, he was ambushed while alone and defeated bcs he had no chance alone.

Seems pretty immersive to me. O_o

Originally Posted by Niara
Immersion breaking situation 2: The game now FORCES me to deal with their ridiculous frozen-time/not-frozen time juxtaposition as I break from the situation and switch to my other characters, moving them into the combat from outside the flow of time... and I am just blithely left to select how and when they jump back into the flow of time, and in what order; I can't ignore this because I have to manually select it myself, and make that choice. It IS forced on me here, in a way that I literally could not have avoided, simply from playing the game in a reasonable and normal manner without any desire or intent to cheat or be cheated.
This seems a little self-contridictional ...

Your party either is close enough to get there in single turn ...
Or they are futher away and all you get is to get there in single "turn" instead all turns it would take.

I mean yeah, you *can* stealth there ... and then you are right, you indeed need to deal with "their ridiculous frozen/not-frozen time thing" ...
But you really want to claim you get into that situation accidentaly?
That there was absolutele NO INTENTION entering stealth with other characters?
Come on. -_-

There are ways for you to get (at least close to, if not exactly) what you want ...
You just refuse to use them. :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
If you want to make extra work for yourself, doing the jobs that the system should be doing and is failing to, that's your call
That seems a little too dramatic ...
We simply pointed out that the indicators are present and by our honest opinions they are working just fine ...

Yes, UI should work smoothly with player ...
But it also means that player needs to recognize it WHOLE ... not just those parts that suits him. :-/

Doesnt really matter how huge red arrow you make on left side of the screen, it would be useless if player will keep looking on right side of the screen ignoring everything beyond middle.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown