Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
To me, quite honestly (and feel free to disagree ofcourse), main question is if that exploit is forced on you or not ...
In other words: As long as there is easy way around it, no NPC can use it against you, you dont need to use it, and every single encounter or situation is perfectly manageable without it ...
Then there is no reason to remove it.

Fair enough. My stance on exploits is that removing them should be the default assumption, and there needs to be compelling reasons NOT to. Because if they're mistakes, they're still mistakes and should be corrected unless correcting them would make for an overall worse product somehow. And it's kind of my opinion that if these things were never included in the first place, no one who enjoys them would be asking for them or would consider the game lesser for their exclusion, which is a sign that the game wouldn't really be worse for their loss. Sure, people wouldn't have some things they find fun, but that's different from the game being meaningfully worse.

Fundamentally my biggest issue with these exploits is who is to blame when they detract from the experience. And I think that Larian is to blame for allowing so many fixable mistakes into the game, and they shouldn't get credit because people happen to enjoy them. I don't think it truly matters if they're forced on you or not when you take a broad view. Taken as a whole with all those exploits, the game is littered with holes and broken things. The fact that people can enjoy them speaks more to the players than it does the quality of Larian's design, in my opinion. It's their job to design the game, not ours.

I've never encountered this kind of discussion about any other game I've played, BG3 is an aberration in this respect. And as an aberration, it's on Larian to sell its differences as features rather than bugs. Maybe by the time of full release, they'll be doing that, but I don't think it's occuring at this point.