Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
...and assumed to be relatively close to matching the true populations.

First, the amount of folks here don't make for a good sample size. Especially when you have no idea how many of the people here might have more than one name. The data isn't anywhere near trustworthy enough for a serious poll.

Second, let's face it. The people who regularly hang around here aren't representative of the casual BG3 player. We are way more obsessed with this stuff than most people, and we know *way* more about the ends and outs of the game.
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Problem with our forum is that we are interested in the matter, therefore our "sample" is not random enough, (feel free to think about it as "unclean") and therefore any result you get from the given survey will not be conclusive.
As stated before ... several times.

See this line of my post:
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
The fact that, on this forums, we are roughly 50-50 (at the very least, the overwhelming majority isn't in favor of these exploits) means that it is reasonable to conclude that many (not necessarily most) BG3 players will want these exploits addressed.
Aside from the fact that my original claim was that "a large number of BG3 players will dislike these mechanics" (not "all", not "most"), you both are making assumptions as well: that the "silent majority" agrees with you. Why is this better than my assumption that the forum broadly captures general player sentiment? What evidence do you have to support this claim? I acknowledge that the forum is likely biased and not perfectly representative of the general players, but "being obsessed [with BG3]" doesn't necessarily equate with "preferentially disliking this specific mechanic." After all, you two are here (and thus by your own words, obsessed) and yet you are advocating for this mechanic.

With a rough forum ratio of 50% like, 50% dislike, in order for the full population to dominantly, conclusively (>90%) like the mechanic, the margin of error of the forum would have to be 40% AND fully biased towards negative nancys. This would mean that for every 2 forum responders (1 for like, 1 for dislike), there are 8 other silent people who like the mechanic. This assumption is equally, if not more, unlikely than assuming that the silent population of BG3 players is relatively close to matching with forum respondents.

Edit: @Wormerine's post reminded me of this. I'm being generous by saying that 50% of forum respondents like it. In reality, 50% (roughly) of forum posters are arguing in favor of keeping the mechanic, but not all necessarily like the mechanic(s) itself. Some just seem to be arguing the case of "Don't like? Don't use." These ambivalent responses shift the average toward "dislike."

Edit2: And with this post, I'm done with this chain of exchanges. We're just going in circles. I've said my piece and hopefully people will listen to it. It's also getting somewhat off-topic.

Last edited by mrfuji3; 20/09/22 06:16 PM.